With every decade there are trends in decorating. In the nineties there was southwestern, cows, pigs, apples and my mom's favorite white geese. She had just about everything you could imagine with a geese theme and the color that was associated with them was a cornflower blue. Seriously it looked like the theme exploded in her house. She even had sheets and a bedspread with the goose motif. This was is a mail holder that I got from her, it was in the basement collecting dust and I decided to do my magic on it and update it. This is once again a project that I painted in a different color before settling on the brown. I love accenting brown with light blue because it looks great together. I am not sure if the original purpose of this piece still works. With the color scheme it would look nice in my small bathroom and maybe useful for something other than mail. We will see what becomes of it, but it really looks more modern without the geese.
The best job ever and the coolest friends that I ever had were when I worked at a restaurant called the Heartthrob Cafe. It was in downtown St Paul, Minnesota and was so fun! Today we had a get together to catch up and reminisce. This is one of the many good things about facebook, finding people that you wished you never lost contact with. So, today my post is the buttons that I made for this event. We had 'flair' that was a lot more fun and cool than a restaurant chain that I will not name here. We danced and sang birthday songs. The girls wore poodle skirts and we did all of this while wearing in line skates. We were a crazy family and honestly this was one of the best times in my life. Ahhh...memories. In the time spent there somehow the button machine came into my possession. In honor of our gathering, of course I had to make pins. Here are also two murals that I painted at the restaurant. Let me...