Let's go on a few days of hearts. This is day two. The picture on the left is how it originally looked, the right is after painting it.
It measures at about 12 inches tall and 4 inches wide a great size to accent a small area.
Because of the cutouts, it was trickier to get an idea. In the end, I painted it brown and then using the tip of my paint brush, applied dots in various colors and patterns. The hearts are also painted a rust color. I had a small spot between a couple of doorways where it fit in perfectly and it also compliments the woodwork.
Because of the cutouts, it was trickier to get an idea. In the end, I painted it brown and then using the tip of my paint brush, applied dots in various colors and patterns. The hearts are also painted a rust color. I had a small spot between a couple of doorways where it fit in perfectly and it also compliments the woodwork.