These bags have been mentioned in a few past posts and now after seeing my Mother in Law still using hers figured it was time to blog about it. This is her bag, and where this cabbage fabric came from I don't remember but it is a fun pattern and great colors. The handle is also extra long so that it can be slung over your shoulder.
A few years ago I made tote bags for Christmas gifts. Everyone got a bag filled with goodies. They weren't small bags, they were big enough to carry a good amount of stuff. Most of the fabric was bought at discount prices and I also used sheets that were purchased at the Goodwill to save on money.
The simplest ideas are sometimes the best and this proves it. I was trying to do a green type of gift and my family loved it!
A few years ago I made tote bags for Christmas gifts. Everyone got a bag filled with goodies. They weren't small bags, they were big enough to carry a good amount of stuff. Most of the fabric was bought at discount prices and I also used sheets that were purchased at the Goodwill to save on money.
The simplest ideas are sometimes the best and this proves it. I was trying to do a green type of gift and my family loved it!