My brain was full of ideas today but the problem was where to start first. There is a drawing that I want to do, about five different painting projects, a couple of crafting ideas and a sewing project that are all floating around in my mind.
Yesterday the blog was about the less popular letters from the craft store. Unless you have a name that starts with z what else can you use it for? You could decorate a kids room with animals and use it to spell out zoo. Tip it sideways and substitute it for an 'N' or like this post make it into a decoration for your bedroom. This is going to hang about my bed. I may actually have to make a few more and have a wall of Z's.
Many people use things for the purpose they were designed for, the creative person sees more than what it's made for and then recreates it.
Many people use things for the purpose they were designed for, the creative person sees more than what it's made for and then recreates it.