I try to do my share and not use too many plastic bags from stores and use reusable totes when possible. Most of the bags are a larger size and are very handy but at times it is necessary to have a smaller bag. I couldn't really find any so of course had to make one! The fabric is from Hancock and was from the marked down area to save a few pennies. The handle and trim are just ribbon that was on hand already. The little bag is about 10 x 12 and a perfect tiny tote. The fabric has a Snoopy print, a favorite of mine! My first ever art contest was a picture of Charlie Brown that I sketched so there is a special place in my heart for Peanuts in general. The size of the bag is also perfect for a lunch bag so that you don't have to use a paper sack.
I accomplished a years worth of creativity on a budget. Now this blog is just for all of my creative outlets. My creativity involves a lot of craft projects, artwork and a few odds and ends.