OK, here is felt piece number three of my larger project. I don't know if it is the colors or the shapes or a combination, but this makes me want some jelly beans. Yum! I want some Starburst Jellybeans now! They are my all time favorite!
I know on with the blog. I have all of my pieces finished for this larger felt project, but figured you might get bored if I posted six in a row of similar projects. I am trying to mix it up, so felt is NOT on the agenda for tomorrow but something really cool is. You better be back to check it out.
My thoughts are bouncing around today, so bear with me.
Did you ever wake up in the middle of the night with a super cool idea or solution to a problem and then forget it in the morning? I have, so now, I keep a little note pad by my bed. This doesn't always work because if I dream up something colorful and complex I am not usually coherent enough to transfer the basics to my notes or I just wake up and forget too fast. I hate it when that happens! Rambling today, sorry! Is anyone hungry right now? I am going to go get some Jelly beans! :)
I know on with the blog. I have all of my pieces finished for this larger felt project, but figured you might get bored if I posted six in a row of similar projects. I am trying to mix it up, so felt is NOT on the agenda for tomorrow but something really cool is. You better be back to check it out.
My thoughts are bouncing around today, so bear with me.