This chair was given to me by my mother-in-law. She wanted me to paint a Vikings theme for my stepson on it. It is a great idea but this chair is a bit too dilapidated for anyone to sit on. I am going to use it as a plant stand so I just painted it in a fun and random style. When the chair came into my possession it already had paint spots and splatters all over it. I added the swoops in green, black and pink and then decided that more splotched and spots would look even better. This is the final result and now I have an interesting plant stand.
This chair was given to me by my mother-in-law. She wanted me to paint a Vikings theme for my stepson on it. It is a great idea but this chair is a bit too dilapidated for anyone to sit on. I am going to use it as a plant stand so I just painted it in a fun and random style. When the chair came into my possession it already had paint spots and splatters all over it. I added the swoops in green, black and pink and then decided that more splotched and spots would look even better. This is the final result and now I have an interesting plant stand.